Digipak Draft - (16/11/15)
Here is our digipak draft, drawn and bullet pointed by Josh Calver. After analysing previously created digipaks to discover conventions and brainstorming some initial ideas, we set Josh the task of drawing our digipak draft whilst incorporating all of the groups ideas. The outcome can be seen above with bullet points below each section of the digipak outlining why we have produced this chosen design. The next step is to gather some audience feedback in order to establish whether we have met the relevant conventions for a digipak and ultimately whether it is satisfying to our target audience so that we can include their suggestions if need be when we alter the draft for our final design.
Magazine Advertisement Draft - (19/11/15)
Feedback - (22/11/15)
Here is our magazine advert, drawn and annotated by myself. After analysing 10 magazine adverts I gained an understanding about the genre conventions associated with male pop artists advertisements. We then as a group discussed our ideas on what conventions that we should incorporate into our own design in order to ensure that our audience recognises it from being from the pop genre. Taking into consideration all of the things we brainstormed, I set about producing a draft for our magazine advert which can be seen below. I then annotated it in order to highlight the conventions that we have conformed with and the reasoning behind it, including the effect on the audience. The next step is to gather some audience feedback in order to establish whether our advert has the same impact on our target audience as we believe it will and whether it appeals to them. It also allows us to hear their opinions on our design so that if there is something that they would change or an extra thing they we could include we can try our best to incorporate it in order to make our advertisement as appealing as possible.
After Josh Calver and I had completed drawing/annotating the draft digipak and magazine advertisement, we then had to collect some audience feedback in order to ensure that they appeal to our target age group. The feedback we gathered for both products came from one boy and one girl, Josh Obisanya and Rachel Clarke. The interviews were very extensive lasting 5-6 minutes each which meant that we were able to obtain a lot of usual information which was in great detail. Rob Atkinson conducted the interviews with the help of Mohsin Bhaiyat asking them open questions, including what they liked and how we could improve them. The benefit of these types of questions is that the participants could speak freely in a lot of detail and provide us with their honest opinions in the form of qualitative data. In reflection, they both had a positive attitude towards our two pieces of work, with both of them stating that they appreciated the detail of the drawings and that there was the right balance between simplicity and information so that the audience is both informed yet not confused. In terms of the improvements that we could make, Rachel specifically wanted slightly more information about how the band formed above the image of the four members on the inside left panel of the digipak. Whereas Josh would like us to include lots of colour which is something we would of done anyway in our final design as it is very conventional of the pop genre.